Military camouflage

Active camouflage (or adaptive camouflage) is a group of camouflage technologies which would allow an object (usually military in nature) to blend into its surroundings by use of panels or coatings capable of changing color or luminosity. Active camouflage can be seen as having the potential to become the perfection of the art of camouflaging things from visual detection. Active camouflage"

Camouflage is the method which allows an otherwise visible organism or object to remain indiscernible from the surrounding environment. Examples include a tiger's stripes and the battledress of a modern soldier. Camouflage is a form of deception. The word camouflage comes from the French word 'camoufler' meaning 'to disguise'. Camouflage"

Chocolate-chip camouflage (sometimes called cookie dough camouflage) was the camouflage used by the United States Army during the Gulf War in the early 1990s. It is also known as Six-Color Desert Camouflage. The camouflage is so named because it resembles chocolate-chip cookie dough: in an attempt to better the camouflage, small designs resembling rocks were added to it. Chocolate-chip camouflage"